neon final project

1. Which picture is the best shot of this assignment? Why my best shot for this assignment is the second picture, because it shows detail with a good angle. it's not too close and it's not to far, compared to the first and the last . also i think the first picture is over edited. 
2. Which picture is the weakest shot of this assignment?  Why? my weakest shot for this assignment is the first person, i believe it's too close and over edited. i also think the picture is too dark, taking away some of the details from the picture. 
3.How can the weakest image be improved on in future shoots? i can improve the image by re-editing the picture adjusting the levels and reduce some of the saturation. 

4. Did you use Photoshop, Lightroom, or both?  What tools in the programs did you use to edit the pictures? i used Photoshop for my pictures, adjusting the hue and saturation as well as the dark/lightness

5. Explain how were you able to meet the objectives (GOALS) of the assignment? **THE GOAL CHANGES EACH LESSON. **SEE THE EQ ON THE ASSIGNMENT AND ANSWER THAT FOR THIS QUESTION.

6. What was easy about this assignment? Why? i think painting his face was the easiest part about this assignment.

7. What was difficult about this assignment? Why? editing was the hardest part because  neon is alright a bright and vibrant color, so editing the hue and saturation was difficult to know when there was too much or too little. 

8. If you could do this assignment again, what would you do differently? i'm not sure. 

9. On a scale of 1-10 (10 being your best effort) how would you rate your effort in this project?  Why would you give yourself that rating? i'd rate my effort a 8/9 because i was actually enjoyed this project, more than the effort. when i like a project or the idea, i tend to put more effort into then.


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